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      Preview and LIVE Report from Cersaie International Exhibition in Bologna, Italy 05.09.14
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      Traditionally, we are pleased to present them here. Cersaie is the key annual event in the world of ceramic tile. The manufacturers broaden their portfolio seeking to distinguish themselves with something extraordinary. It is up to our readers to make their own judgment. We would like to bring to your attention the review of the breakthrough tile series with photos, our insights and official presentation of manufacturers. The trade show kicks off on September 22. In expectation of this moment, please find below a brief overview of the tile series to be exhibited. The in-depth review will be published here on September 24 and 25. We always welcome your feedback. Please do not hesitate to post your questions here.

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      Love Tiles, the renowned Portuguese tile brand, is going to launch two novel collections at Cersaie 2014.

      Acqua catches the eye by the vibrant colors of decors. Here, the floral and geometric ornaments interlace with oriental motifs. The Branco, Beige and Grigio pastel backgrounds play with audacious Ruby, Nero and Turchese shadings. The trendy stripes on the mirror-like surface produce the effect of movement. The collection is available in two sizes: the big tiles of 35×100 cm and the medium-size ones of 31×62 cm. Besides, the two tile sizes are enhanced by the matching set of decors.

      ACQUA Ceramic Tiles by Love Ceramic Tiles

      Acqua in the bathroom interiors

      The other discovery by Love Tiles is Ground. This is a magnificent quintessence of contemporary and traditional styles, of two utterly different textures – urban cement and authentic terracotta. The brilliant satined surface of the tile has irregularities recalling the artisan handmade articles. The palette of Ground adheres to the classical greige gamut. The pastel shadings are counterbalanced by the bright Zone and Globe decors. Following the recent decorative trends, the designers of Love Tiles offer the wide range of wall and floor patchwork decorative pieces. Here, the patchwork motifs are inspired by the hydraulic tile patterns, widely appreciated in the 19th century. The versatility of sizes makes Ground adaptable to every decorative style and environment.

      GROUND Ceramic Tiles by Love Ceramic Tiles

      The eye-catching Ground decors

      Cerdomus (Italy) Launches New Hiros Collection

      Produced of the natural stone that imitates porcelain stoneware, Hiros is conceived in the signature style of Cerdomus. The non-homogeneous patterns, rich veining and neutral color gamut bring to the forefront the clear lines and structure of the interiors. The series includes the plain tile of 50×50, 50×100 and 25×100 cm, as well as mosaic and steps.

      HIROS Ceramic and Porcelain Tiles by Cerdomus Ceramiche

      HIROS Ceramic and Porcelain Tiles by Cerdomus Ceramiche

      HIROS Ceramic and Porcelain Tiles by Cerdomus Ceramiche

      HIROS Ceramic and Porcelain Tiles by Cerdomus Ceramiche

      Cir Docklands: Where Traditions Meet Innovations

      Serenissima Cir, the trailblazer of the Italian ceramic industry, will demonstrate Docklands, the contemporary looking urban series with pronounced retro flavor. The collection is composed of the elongated rectangles and small hexagons. Along with the neutral backgrounds, there is wealth of patchwork sets and original decorative pieces, for example those featuring the skins of African animals, such as leopard, zebra, giraffe, crocodile. The entire series is produced of the all-purpose porcelain stoneware.

      DOCKLANDS Ceramic and Porcelain Tiles by Serenissima Cir Industrie Ceramiche

      DOCKLANDS Ceramic and Porcelain Tiles by Serenissima Cir Industrie Ceramiche

      DOCKLANDS Ceramic and Porcelain Tiles by Serenissima Cir Industrie Ceramiche

      Boheme by Cisa Ceramiche (Italy)

      This year Cisa Ceramiche is going to participate in Cersaie with its Boheme series. The designers of this Italian brand foster the fusion of utterly different textures: concrete and antiqued wood. Here, concrete is presented in the wooden frame, conferring the effect of volume to the surfaces. The entire collection consists of 50×50 cm squares.

      BOHEME Ceramic and Porcelain Tiles by Cisa Ceramiche

      "Braided marble" by Benedetta Tagliabue and Decormarmi at Marmomacc

      Decormarmi in collaboration with the Italian architect Benedetta Tagliabue are going to demonstrate the innovative concept of marble working at the ongoing Marmomacc natural stone exhibition. According to the author's idea, the three-dimensional wavy panels interweave to create the effect of a "wicker" structure. This is a groundbreaking attempt to confer airiness and lightness to such solid material as marble.
      Here, the key idea of the architect is to treat marble as a flexible fabric that dresses the buildings in weightless and elegant gowns (like the Spanish Pavilion at Shanghai Expo 2010).
      This stone installation will be exhibited on September 24-27 at Hall 1, Marmomacc – Veronafiere

      Stone Tiles by Decor Marmi

      New Collections by Brix: Commitment to Creative Principles and Fresh Ideas

      Brix continues the ongoing cooperation with renowned designers. This year the Lo Studio design laboratory presents Brush, the porcelain stoneware tile that recalls the surface of solidified cement.
      The watery colors create light-and-shade, further enhanced by waxing. The variability of the surface amazes. It looks rough and worn-out, at times brilliant and bright, or dull and matt. The texture varies from traditionally smooth to uneven and structurized with hammer marks.

      Mosaic by Brix

      The tile sizes are as follows: 75×75, 37.5×75 and 18.5×37 cm.

      The palette consists of four chromatic variations: Cemento, Mastice, Fango and Lava.

      Another novelty by Brix is Thrilled, the result of fruitful collaboration between the company and designer Michael Anastassiades. This is a story about charming surface, simultaneously uneven and regular-shaped, the surface of a cobbled roadway. Thrilled stands apart due to the utmost simplicity of shapes and ultimate accuracy of lines. While experimenting with material, the designer extends the boundaries of the classical porcelain stoneware series to embrace metal and glass.

      Mosaic by Brix

      The Innovations by Arcana (Spain)

      In line with the key trends of the last year exhibition, Arcana rediscovers the widely appreciated stone and wood effect surfaces, conferring to them contemporary nuances.

      Buxi is an all-purpose porcelain stoneware collection, presented in four chromatic variations and natural finish.

      Ceramic Tiles by Arcana Ceramica

      Marble is enhanced by one more size of floor tile (44.3×89.3 cm). The natural marble streaks appear on the glossy stone surface in three shadings.

      MARBLE Ceramic and Porcelain Tiles by Arcana Ceramica

      Patchwood is a patchwork-style porcelain stoneware collection that renders the charm of natural wood.

      PATCHWOOD Ceramic and Porcelain Tiles by Arcana Ceramica

      Equipe (Spain) Comes up with Hexawood

      Hexawood is a wood-imitating porcelain stoneware première by Equipe. The series takes advantage of two current fashion trends: hexagonal shape and surfaces recalling natural wood (five shadings).

      HEXAWOOD Ceramic and Porcelain Tiles by Equipe Ceramicas

      Besides hexagons, the series includes another non-trivial shape: the stretched-out lozenge.

      HEXAWOOD Ceramic and Porcelain Tiles by Equipe Ceramicas

      Both tile shapes are coordinating, which opens up possibilities for Hexawood installation in any interiors.

      HEXAWOOD Ceramic and Porcelain Tiles by Equipe Ceramicas

      New Fine Porcelain Stoneware by Lea Ceramiche

      Timeless Marble is the first experiment of Lea Ceramiche with marble texture carefully reproduced in the laminated porcelain stoneware surfaces. The slabs of 300×100, 100×100 and 50×150 cm are available in two colors: white and beige. Timeless Marble features the most popular marble grades: Carrara and Crema Marfil. Absolute embraces two monochrome shadings: Total White and Total Black. Lea Ceramiche rediscovers conventional colors, giving to them amazing purity and depth. Noteworthy, both series will be produced in two surface finishes: polished and satined, an uncontestable advancement for fine porcelain stoneware.

      Ceramic Tiles by Lea Ceramiche

      Absolute and Timeless Marble fine porcelain stoneware by Lea Ceramiche

      Preview of New Collections by Bestile (Spain)

      Toscana Garden is a porcelain stoneware series with a focus on hexagonal tile shape.

      TOSCANA GARDEN Ceramic and Porcelain Tiles by Bestile

      Urales is a porcelain stoneware collection that reproduces timber floor covered by peeled off paint.

      Ceramic and Porcelain Tiles by Bestile

      The black-and-white patchwork of Modena BN or the 24×24 cm squares of exuberant Modena Precious Oro

      MODENA BN Ceramic and Porcelain Tiles by Bestile

      MODENA PRECIOUS Ceramic Tiles by Bestile

      Madelaine by Cifre: the Tribute to Fashion Trends

      Conceived as hexagons, this tile series features the new shape, never seen before in the portfolio of Cifre. Moreover, Madelaine includes the elements with versatile monochrome patterns, offering an excellent solution for patchwork layouts. Actually, this tile has two significant advantages: multiple shades and original ornaments, on the one hand, and soft contrasts, on the other hand. Alongside with patterned elements, the series contains multi-shaded hexagons with effect of concrete.

      MADELAINE Ceramic and Porcelain Tiles by Cifre Ceramica

      Hexagonal Tile – the Novelty of Cersaie 2014

      Hexagons are rightfully considered the leading trend of the major ceramic industry event. Many brands offer hexagonal tile of porcelain stoneware, ceramics, natural stone, and experiment with texture.
      The Italian brand Imso presents its Origini porcelain stoneware collection, featuring fancy decorative pieces.

      ORIGINI Ceramic and Porcelain Tiles by Imso Ceramiche

      Cotto Etrusco has also included hexagons into their portfolio.

      Polygons: Pentagonal, Hexagonal and Octagonal Tiles

      The designers of Cerasarda, faithful to their signature Mediterranean style, come up with hand-painted Vernissage hexagons.

      Polygons: Pentagonal, Hexagonal and Octagonal Tiles

      Even the new Italian brand, Tonino Lamborghini Tiles, follows this trend in the Indy collection.

      Ceramic and Porcelain Tiles by Tonino Lamborghini Tiles and Style

      Tagina presents Details, the series of three-dimensional hexagons.

      DETAILS Ceramic Tiles by Tagina Ceramiche

      Imola Ceramica launches Le Terre: hexagonal tile, remarkable for its pastel palette and two finishes (glossy and matt).

      LE TERRE Ceramic and Porcelain Tiles by Imola Ceramica

      The Sicilian brand Scianna proudly offers London 60's, the series of two-color 15 mm thick majolica.

      Ceramic Tiles by Scianna Ceramiche

      Mirage presents the Xgone collection that embraces several coordinating sizes.

      Porcelain Tiles by Mirage Granito Ceramico

      Self comes up with Sinfonia, the series of wood looking glazed porcelain stoneware.

      Ceramic Tiles by Self Style

      Day 2

      The handmade cement tile by Bisazza has become a genuine discovery to us. The Contemporary Cement Tiles project has come to life due to cooperation with such renowned designers, as Paola Navone, Carlo dal Bianco and Jaime Hayon. The 14 mm thick articles are elaborated as squares and hexagons. The broad selection of decorative pieces, versatile ornamental themes and 25 shadings make Contemporary Cement Tiles an all-purpose solution, suitable for application both in private vacation houses and medium-traffic public areas. Interestingly, this tile equally fits for facing and for flooring.

      Ceramic Tiles by Bisazza

      Another novelty by Bisazza is Goldfloor, the series of glass and gold, available in two sizes: rectangles of 6×20 cm and standard squares of 20×20 cm.

      Ceramic Tiles by Bisazza

      Linea Italia focuses on versatile glass and natural stone mosaics. The new collections of this brand are distinguished by hexagonal and diamond-shaped tesserae, as well as by the alteration of several surface finishes on one mesh.

      Stone Tiles by Linea Italia

      Blend Art by Sant Agostino recalls the texture of the aged wood planks, faded with time. The elongated backgrounds are provided in two variations: dark and light.

      BLENDART Ceramic and Porcelain Tiles by Ceramica Sant'Agostino

      Apavisa continues the experiments with three-dimensional murals. Almost all new collections by this Spanish brand feature the eye-catching elements with volume effect. The Evolution series contains long plain tiles, set in combination with the decors that imitate hydraulic tile patterns.

      Porcelain Tiles by Apavisa Porcelanico

      Settecento comes up with a number of brand-new collections. V-Stone recalls the texture of natural marble. This series is available in three sizes: 47.8×47.8, 47.8×97 and 23.7×97 cm, and four colors: Amber, Silver, Nut and Pulpis. The backgrounds of 47.8×47.8 cm are enhanced by the "herring-bone" decors. The striped tile surface looks as being composed of several elements.

      V-STONE Ceramic and Porcelain Tiles by Settecento

      Texture decors

      V-STONE Ceramic and Porcelain Tiles by Settecento

      The texture of Still and Sparkling decorative elements reproduces sackcloth or creased paper.

      V-STONE Ceramic and Porcelain Tiles by Settecento

      The floor decorative pieces of Arabesque enhance the collection by delicate vegetal ornaments.

      Featuring the large sizes, Evoque artfully fuses classics and modernity, elegance and functionality. The texture of backgrounds recalls cement. In addition, Evoque contains the decors with vegetal motifs and boiserie panels.

      EVOQUE Ceramic and Porcelain Tiles by Settecento

      Terrae is another experiment with cement texture. The series embraces six background colors and several sizes. The big lozenges of 47.8×95.2 cm deserve particular attention. Mixed with square decors, they yield original layouts.

      TERRAE Ceramic and Porcelain Tiles by Settecento

      Along with monochrome lozenges, Settecento offers three-color tiles, producing a pronounced volume effect.

      TERRAE Ceramic and Porcelain Tiles by Settecento

      The Regent Street series rediscovers boiserie panels. The four shadings of 24×72 cm voguish check perfectly marry with Park Avenue and Place Vendome backgrounds.

      REGENT STREET Ceramic and Porcelain Tiles by Settecento

      Original decors featuring playful owls and romantic hearts raise spirits and fill every interior with airiness.

      REGENT STREET Ceramic and Porcelain Tiles by Settecento

      Day 3 Tile Imitations of Cement, Brickwork and Wood

      The record number of new collections are dedicated to the imitation of concrete and cement surfaces, various treatment effects and wear marks. Sometimes several textures (cement and terracotta, cement and metal) are fused to produce the surfaces never seen before.

      Pastorelli Shade: concrete-effect porcelain stoneware and patchwork decors

      Porcelain Tiles by Pastorelli

      Display booth of Provenza transformed in a photo studio. The Dust series is in the limelight

      DUST Ceramic and Porcelain Tiles by Ceramiche Provenza

      The "drawn" Dust decors by Provenza

      DUST Ceramic and Porcelain Tiles by Ceramiche Provenza

      Keramos by Century: 5 colors, 7 sizes and wide choice of decors

      KERAMOS Ceramic and Porcelain Tiles by Century Ceramica

      Hand Made by Naxos conceived for contemporary bathroom interiors

      Ceramic and Porcelain Tiles by Naxos Ceramica

      Ceramic and Porcelain Tiles by Naxos Ceramica

      Bedroom dressed in Terra by Fap Ceramiche

      TERRA Ceramic and Porcelain Tiles by FAP Ceramiche

      The display booth of Fap Ceramiche

      Ceramic and Porcelain Tiles by FAP Ceramiche

      The novelties of brickwork effect tile should not be neglected as well. Chicago is an all-purpose porcelain stoneware collection by Serenissima Cir. The tile size of 10×20 cm is traditional for brick in North America.

      CHICAGO Ceramic and Porcelain Tiles by Serenissima Cir Industrie Ceramiche

      CHICAGO Ceramic and Porcelain Tiles by Serenissima Cir Industrie Ceramiche

      Inspired by the successful launch of Chicago, the company comes up with another similar series, New York.

      Ceramic and Porcelain Tiles by Serenissima Cir Industrie Ceramiche

      Ceramic and Porcelain Tiles by Serenissima Cir Industrie Ceramiche

      Boston, the matt brickwork effect tile by Fap Ceramiche

      Ceramic and Porcelain Tiles by FAP Ceramiche

      Muro Vecchio, handmade brickwork looking series by Climatica Ceramiche

      Ceramic and Porcelain Tiles by Climatica Ceramiche

      The vision of urban brickwork by ABK: Do Up, the massive porcelain stoneware that guarantees hassle-free setting and maintenance

      DO UP Ceramic and Porcelain Tiles by ABK Ceramiche

      DO UP Ceramic and Porcelain Tiles by ABK Ceramiche

      DO UP Ceramic and Porcelain Tiles by ABK Ceramiche

      Many tile brands rediscover wood imitation. For instance, Serenissima Cir presents three new collections: Acanto (featured in the photo), Wild Wood and Nova Planca.

      Ceramic and Porcelain Tiles by Serenissima Cir Industrie Ceramiche

      The innovative collection of aged painted wood by Arpa

      Wood Effect and Parquet Effect Tiles


      Day 4 The News from Ascot, Viva, Petracers, Elios and Florim

      Viva presents the new 99Volte collection. The texture of this tile renders that of moist clay, the key trend of the last year's Acustico12 series.

      Ceramic Tiles by Viva Ceramica

      Ceramic Tiles by Viva Ceramica

      The well-known Ascot brand has dedicated its ground-breaking Game of Fifteen project to modern art. The name of this project, derived from the popular game – 15 Puzzle – corresponds to the number of the featured artists. Every collection immerses the audience in the atmosphere and signature style of the respective author. The first collection is a tribute to the artistic legacy of Keith Haring.

      GAME OF FIFTEEN: KEITH HARING Ceramic and Porcelain Tiles by Ascot Ceramiche

      GAME OF FIFTEEN: KEITH HARING Ceramic and Porcelain Tiles by Ascot Ceramiche

      Petracer's comes up with Rhumbus mosaic. Every square mesh of 33×33 cm consists of 420 diamond-shaped tesserae (4000 tesserae per 1 sq. m). The palette includes 12 colors.

      RHUMBUS Mosaic Tiles by Petracer's Ceramics

      Iris Ceramica offers several new collections. Maiolica renders the charm and unique texture of the handicraft tile.

      MAIOLICA Ceramic Tiles by Iris Ceramica

      Blending outstanding performance of porcelain stoneware and warmth of the most valuable wood species, Madeira symbolizes the equilibrium between technological advancements and nature.

      Ceramic and Porcelain Tiles by Iris Ceramica

      The articles of Now are remarkable for their pronounced relief. Due to the neutral shadings and the play of brilliant and matt surfaces, Now becomes a decorative solution for the most refined interiors.

      Ceramic and Porcelain Tiles by Iris Ceramica

      Paying a tribute to the traditional Italian terracotta tile, Elios presents its Terranova collection.

      Ceramic and Porcelain Tiles by Elios Ceramica

      Ceramic and Porcelain Tiles by Elios Ceramica

      The Florim Group launches the brand-new tile of 160×320 cm, which is just 6 mm thick. Nowadays the company production facilities allow manufacturing of almost all Florim collections in this size.

      Ceramic and Porcelain Tiles by REX Ceramiche

      The Novelties by Caesar at Cersaie 2014

      Caesar celebrates its participation in Cersaie 2014 with two new collections.
      The first one is Trace, the porcelain stoneware series with metal luster and concrete effect surfaces. This accomplished collection renders the materials and colors of the most famous architectural structures and monuments of the past. The luster of polished metal and the matt appearance of cement are the essentials decorative trends of the past , present and future. The wide range of shadings and sizes, as well as restrained decorative elements, are among uncontestable advantages of Trace.

      TRACE Ceramic and Porcelain Tiles by Ceramiche Caesar

      Another novelty by Caesar is Anima. This is a marble looking porcelain stoneware collection. Here, the designers are inspired by the masterpieces of the Italian sculpture. The series reproduces six marble grades and three surface finishes.

      ANIMA Ceramic and Porcelain Tiles by Ceramiche Caesar
