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      Myths and Legends of the Mediterranean Basin in the Collections by Francesco De Maio 22.01.15
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      The Fiori di Ravello line by Francesco De Maio praises the vibrant beauty of the Amalfi Coast. The ancient town of Ravello has always been the fount of inspiration for artists, poets and musicians. This centuries-old beauty spot encouraged the medieval romanticists to accomplish exploits in the name of love. Fiori Grandi, the first collection of the range, takes us away to the picturesque Monti Lattari (Lattari Mountains) permeated with the scents of the sea, to Villa Cimbrone and to the endless orchards in bloom. The collection is composed of the 53×53 cm squares, ideal for the floriated modern-style interiors. What is more, each of the twelve Fiori Grandi decors represents the typical palette of the Italian Mediterranean Coast.

      FIORI GRANDI Majolica Tiles by Ceramica Francesco De Maio

      The living rooms and public spaces decorated using the large-size Fiori Grandi tile

      Another attraction of Ravello is Villa Rufolo. According to one of the legends, it is poeticized in Parsifal, the last opera by Richard Wagner. Klingsor's magic garden was modeled on that of Villa Rufolo. This fairy garden was full of charming Flower-maidens, capable of enchanting the Knights forever. Another collection of the Fiori di Ravello line is named after this magic garden, Giardino di Klingsor. The series contains eight 20×60 cm decors featuring the elegant flower or vegetal ornaments.

      GIARDINI DI KLINGSOR Majolica Tiles by Ceramica Francesco De Maio

      The Giardini di Klingsor decorative panels

      The collection Fiori Scuri by Francesco De Maio renders the magnificence of the Amalfi, Ravello and Agerola Coast at twilight. The legends and myths say that these waters were inhabited by the charming and insidious Sirens. Their bewitching songs lured sailors. When the ships of the poor mariners broke up on the rocks, the Sirens captured their souls. Only Ulysses and the Argonauts escaped this awful fate. Everyone who has once visited the Amalfi Coast at night, in the time of full moon, could experience these thrilling sensations, hear the mellow melodies, enjoy the spellbinding landscapes and scent the sweetest fragrances. Fiori Scuri is remarkable for the sober tones, intentionally prevailing over the usually bright Mediterranean gamut. Such shadings as Manganese, Nero, Verde Marcio, Grigio and Rosso, traditionally employed by the Italian craftsmen, make up the palette of Fiori Scuri. Noteworthy, the collection perfectly marries with the Luna Chiena mosaic.

      FIORI SCURI Majolica Tiles by Ceramica Francesco De Maio

      The artful blend of Fiori Scuri majolica and Luna Chiena mosaic
