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Contactless Tile Store
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  • ManufacturerReviewsIn Favorites
230482_MODULAR AGORA STONE GRIP+ R11 Colorker Agora
Size44 × 66 cm 
20% VAT included
  • 30.99 €/m²
    26.96 €/box
  • 27.59 €/m²
    24 €/box
  • Sample
  • 27.59 €/m²
    Price applies to orders greater than one pallet (27.84 m²)
    over 27.84
The item is composed of the following modular tiles: 22×22 cm (1 pc), 44×44 cm (1 pc), 22×44 cm (1 pc), and 44×66 cm (1 pc). Every box contains one module. Recommended joint is 4-5 mm. The image features several modules.